I have 10 years of software development experience. I completed my undergraduate education in computer engineering at Yasar University. In my early career, I worked for Ericsson for about two years. I was mainly involved in product development unit projects. Besides, I acted as an innovation coach at my center. By the end of 2015, we had co-founded our own company, dolphinOS, with Selma. We developed startup projects for our clients until the end of 2021. During this time, I have been working as the head of engineering. Currently, we have focused on building our own SaaS startup for freelancers. Along with my work, I started my master's in computer science at GA Tech in Spring 2022. Lately, I have joined GA Tech's DILab, directed by Professor Ashok Goel, as a graduate research assistant to work on Jill Watson, the most famous virtual teaching assistant based on IBM Watson.

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